Help! Our digital heritage is getting lost!
Data is the new clay, scripts are the new shovels and the web is the youngest layer of clay that we mine. Web archaeology is a new direction in e-culture in which we excavate relatively new (born-digital) material, that has only recently been lost, with relatively new (digital) tools. Both matter and methods to excavate and reconstruct our digital past are very young and still developing. Read the publication Paul Vogel and I wrote for “Acoustic Space 14: Data Drift. Archiving Media and Data Art in the 21st Century” (October 2015).
My work, and lovin’ it
Check my portfolio.
Time to reboot?
What to do in a rapidly changing digital media landscape? Keep in mind what matters: share your work with the right users at the right place and at the right time. Find the right tools, strategies and above all inspiration. Let’s get together and have a reboot brainstorm and matching coffee.